Earlier this year I met with a psychic. She said a lot of stuff which I brushed off (apparently I’m going to meet the man of my dreams and move across the world to be with him… yeah, right! I can hardly go a week without seeing my family let alone up & move to a different country!). But there was one piece of advice that stuck with me.
She said I’m going to have some very big decisions to make in the coming months and that I need to push myself out of my comfort zone and ‘jump’.
I’m not going to pretend that I haven’t been told this before. About 6 years ago I was told by another fortune teller that I sit on the fence too much; that the world was passing me by and I needed to be braver & take risks or nothing was going to change. At the time I was really angry about this. I walked out thinking ‘how dare she, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, it’s all rubbish’. Only now do I see that she really was right.
I see things very black and white and I don’t take many risks. I like to feel safe. My self confidence has always been low (and seems to be sinking by the year) and this contributes to me thinking I’ll fail so…I don’t even try. I used to think good things happen to people because of luck and I used to sit and wait for things to come to me & then always felt frustrated when they didn’t, but this needs to change. It’s not luck, it’s hard work and bravery and nothing is going to happen for me unless I step out of my comfort zone.
After meeting the psychic I started re-thinking all areas of my life. I started pulling things apart to evaluate which area of my life I needed to ‘jump’ in. This left me with even more crippling self doubt about what things I was doing wrong and what needed fixing. Even things I felt confident & comfortable in I began doubting, but I think this was a necessary. I think this made me realise that I’m currently just surviving, rather than actually living my best life.
Fast forward 3 months and I now have a big life decision coming up. I was going to take the easy option which wouldn’t have improved my life or made me any happier, but it was easy and most importantly, it was safe. But fuck it. Instead I’m going to say yes, I’m going to jump, and I’m excited to see where it takes me.
Katie x
P.S Stay tuned to hear about my big life changes soon <3
Photos by Kaye Fordtography
Super excited for you taking risks and pushing the boat out, I can’t wait to hear about it. Also, these photos are stunning!
I’m excited to see what you do next! I’ve been following for a while and you deserve great things X
Cannot wait to hear about this! You go, push yourself! There’s nothing but endless opportunities ahead. We’re cheering for you!!
Firstly, you take such gorgeous photo. Secondly, I’m happy for your big changes. They can be hard and scary but, in the end, you never regret chances that you took. I moved to another state just for the hell of it and I haven’t looked back. You’ll smash whatever that big change it.
Best of luck! x
I’m so excited for you! x
So glad to hear you’re taking the leap! No matter what happens, you’re going to be absolutely fine in the end. Update us soon because I’d love to hear what your big life changes are all about. How exciting!
The bit where you said ; ‘My self confidence has always been low (and seems to be sinking by the year) and this contributes to me thinking I’ll fail so…I don’t even try. I used to think good things happen to people because of luck and I used to sit and wait for things to come to me & then always felt frustrated when they didn’t, but this needs to change.’ is the most me thing ever, i feel exactly the same way! It’s so hard to try and pull myself out of this state of mind.
Yay Katy! I’ve been watching your vlogs since last Christmas and I’ve found it so reassuring and cool to see someone my age being real about their daily life. I’m not even that interested in beauty and fashion but I find you super relatable and fun to follow. I’m rooting for you! Good luck 🙂
If you thinking of taking more risks read the yes man by Danny Wallace , always inspires me about what can happen when we change our auto response to situations!
So excited for you! Totally a big believer in taking risks, for me I really need to kickstart my YouTube channel rather than being self-conscious about talking on camera. x